Are you a real estate agent or an owner trying to sell or rent a property?
Chances are that getting interested people is your number one priority! If you keep on reading I can give you some tips on how you could potentially generate interested leads.
So let’s start and be quick, as we really want to get those real estate property sold!
1) Zoom housewarming party!
Needless to say that Zoom became everyone’s best friends in 2020, and the relationships got stronger over 2021. So why not exploit this friendship? As different countries enter in the umptheent lockdown, it might be a better and safer idea to not do an open house tour, but to shift on Zoom.
Actually, besides showing the house online, there could be a proper Q&A session, where interested people can ask questions regarding the rooms layout, the neighbours or the location of the closest supermarket.
2) Video Content
Can you please stop to be boring? Marketplaces are full, users are bombarded with the same old posts. A brief description of your apartment and 5 unclear photos of the property is not what is going to make you different. Think bigger or keep your home.
Video content is the next successful weapon for lead generation. Moreover, you don’t necessarily have to be a videographer to make a Tik Tok where you flex your bright double bedroom.
3) Virtual Tours
This is actually a concrete idea you could try to achieve that fits the 1st and 2nd tip. Take a video of you walking in your apartment/house, show the rooms, be truthful, but please avoid showing yourself in the mirror.
4) Blogging
This tip might be more useful for agencies rather than for independent agents and owners. Blogging is great for SEO purposes. Don’t write to sell, write to give away pieces of advice, entertainment or information to your readers. You are not only marketing yourself, but boosting the awareness people have about your brand.

If readers are interested they will click on your website or remember your agency when they will be looking for another accommodation.
At the end of the day, it’s what we are trying to do with our articles too! If this sounds like too much work, or you have the “who has time for that?” attitude, don’t worry.
At Wanna Leads we have the time, passion and expertise for your lead generation.
Visit our website today to get a consultation and remember:

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