If you have been following the blog since a little bit of time, you will have realized that “carpe diem” is the right philosophy to go for when it comes to content creation. The momentum and the immediacy are key to be relevant, recognized and for lead generation.
In this article I will share with you three fun examples you can adopt to promote your business over Easter. So if you are interested, keep on reading.
Easter, as Christmas and the other holidays carry a big opportunity, in order to be creative and deliver an outside the box offer, discount, tip to your audience.
Here there are our top 3 ideas for you implement and adding your own twist!
50 shades of Easter Egg – Photo contest:
No, here we are not speaking about the famous movie, as we want to remain family friendly. What we are suggesting is to promote on your social media pages a photo contest with the theme of “Easter Eggs”. You can specify further the rules, but essentially, whoever wants to participate simply has to post a photo using your hashtags, or tag you, and at the end of the easter holidays the most liked photo will receive a prize.
This is for various reasons, firstly, you will generate a lot of social media engagement and secondly you will also raise your brand awareness.
Easter egg hunt
No, don’t worry, we are not promoting events or big groups of people meeting to look for actual eggs. What we are proposing is that you make a virtual one. For example, you could hide some easter eggs on your landing pages and if the user spots them maybe a discount code can be revealed.
This adds a point on the customer experience on your website as it makes it more fun for the users. You should consider posting this announcement on you social media channels so that everyone has the chance to participate.
If this is done properly chances are that you will increase the number of people on your website and as a consequence lead generation will benefit from it, because customers will be more willing to make a purchase if they can get something off the price tag.
Happy Easter email newsletter
This is an evergreen, it never gets old. Try to think different and make it unique. Leave a clear call to action, and I am sure your lead generation will benefit from it.
Wanna Leads wishes you an happy Easter!

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