Do you know this new trend? Yes, it consists of adding videos to our email marketing campaigns. This practice was not very common years ago, because it was not considered useful for mass mailings.
Loyalty programs are a marketing strategy that aims to encourage customers to keep on shopping or use the services the business offers. It can be designed in different ways, but most of the time, repeating customers get a discount on the purchase being done or collect points that will allow them to get discounts on future purchases.
But video email marketing has been vindicated and here is why we should use it in our campaigns:
Greater impact
The receivers will see as soon as they open the message, they will watch our video (in a single second). In this way it’s impossible to not attend our video campaign.
Visual message
We all understand it better; We remove the impediments to understanding the message. The visual, comes better.
Better understanding
Simple images loaded with powerful messages.
Faster message
In a single click, our message will be reproduced, without having to stop to pay attention to texts.
The video is transversal
We can post it on other channels such as Youtube or Vimeo, for example, so our message will reach even further and to a big audience.
Your campaign can be viral.
Easier for your campaign to go viral, and share it on social media. Now the videos are the main protagonists.
Increase the ROI
of your campaigns, if the email marketing campaigns we have shown are the ones that generate the most return on investment, using videos can double it.
Conversation between user and brand
Videos are the advertising that is most shared and talked about among users. That it’s shared and commented on generates greater impact.
Reaching the inbox
Greater probability of reaching the inbox of your recipients, since messaging applications consider that by including a video you send important material.
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