Lead generation Timing: Call to action and landing page.
Attention span in humans is decreasing given the amount of information and content we are exposed to on a daily basis.
In 2000 it was found that the attention span was of around 12 seconds, while in 2018, a study carried out by Microsoft revealed that the span reduced to 8 seconds.

This means that besides being overwhelmed by the amount of content, people struggle to keep up with what they find interesting, so if marketers want to make a good impression, their amount of time is subject to constraints.
Call to action? What’s that?

A call to action, in short also CTA, is something very important for marketers. It’s a phrase that tells the users what to do and how to do it. There is no such thing as the perfect length for a call to action, it can be composed by two words as “BUY NOW!” or longer as “love learning about lead generation? Subscribe to our newsletter!” The important thing is that it needs to be precise, concise and direct.
Email marketing and the rule of 8 Seconds:
When sending emails where we invite customers to visit our website and do a certain action, we must be clear and define rigorously what we want them to do, because remember, we only have 8 seconds to be noticed.
Time is running and you only have 8 seconds!
What happens to the customer…
Moreover, when the potential customer lands on our page, he should not be overwhelmed, because his customer experience should be smooth and flawless.
For this reason, we should have only one CTA on one page, because having more is confusionary.
Author: Elena Giacomoni for WANNA LEADS Ltd
That’s why Lead generation happens!
At WANNA LEADS we are experts of landing pages and effective call to actions, get in touch with us to see what works best for lead generation!

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