Finding direct offers as a publisher can be difficult and time consuming. Advertisers have many things to do and many duties to carry and getting a reply to a sale pitch might be a real miracle. Wasting time waiting on a reply that might never come can be frustrating and not productive at all when it comes to lead generation. That’s why affiliate networks exist!
For today’s article regarding lead generation, I wish to talk about affiliate networks, their advantages and disadvantages. So, if you are interested in getting to know more, keep on reading.
Affiliate networks will do the work for you!
You don’t have to worry any longer about waiting for a reply from advertisers, the affiliate networks will worry about it. They will get the best payout possible and give you (hopefully) a good one for you too.
Tracking platforms:
You can check the leads you generated directly on the network’s platform, download the creative kits and links and have access to your stats.
Experience on which campaign convert better than others:
Affiliate networks will know which campaigns perform and which don’t as they work with many different publishers, they can suggest which one is going to generate the most leads. Of course, this can vary depending on the type of traffic you have.
4.It’s in the interest of the network to help you fast and smoothly, as when you make money they are making money.
There are a lot of networks out, meaning there is a lot of competition. If you are not satisfied with a network you can always try to find a better one.
Direct and exclusive offers that you might not get directly from the advertisers, as they are already being managed.
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