Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing 2024: NATIVE ADS

In the rapidly evolving realm of 2024 digital marketing, three key trends are reshaping strategies: no-code automation, evergreen content, and the surge of native advertising in mobile apps.

Native Advertising in Apps:

Native advertising within mobile apps is rapidly gaining ground, with more brands considering integration. Its non-intrusive nature seamlessly blends with app content, offering a more organic experience. Brands favor native advertising for its effectiveness, but it hinges on captivating content to avoid being overlooked in the seamless integration.


No-Code Automation and Programmatic:

Marketing campaign automation is on the rise, offering companies efficiency gains. No-code automation and programmatic solutions take this further, automating tasks without advanced programming skills. This flexible technology enables businesses to customize strategies in the dynamic digital market, redirecting resources to enhance web traffic and customer experiences.


Creating Timeless Content for Enduring Influence:

The importance of evergreen content is a central theme in native advertising and branded content. While ephemeral content has its allure, permanent content proves more engaging. Beyond boosting web positioning, it fosters brand authority, internal linking, and consistent lead generation. As companies prioritize effective SEO, evergreen content becomes integral in directing traffic and authority.

In summary, these trends underscore the digital landscape’s ongoing evolution. Efficient automation, strategic evergreen content, and non-intrusive native app advertising serve as pillars for success, empowering brands to stand out in a competitive and dynamic environment.

If you want your campaigns to be the most up-to-date for this year, do not hesitate to contact us to launch your campaign with the best conversions!

Estefania Perez Collazo
Estefania Perez Collazofor WANNA LEADS ltd